Adam had learned from his friends that lying is the easiest way out of any he became fond of lying and enjoyed telling small lies.When his parents caught him and warned him against telling lies,he shrugged them off,saying , "Lies never harm anyone!" Adam's father decided to explain to him why lying is bad.One evening, Adam and his father were walking down the street with some groceries.just then,they saw a car rammed into a bookstore.Adam's father asked a man what happened and he replied,"The car driver lied to his father that he could see without spectacles.They both were in the car when the accident happened.The father is seriously hurt.I'm sure the boy regrets ever lying!" Adam's father looked at Adam and said, "see Adam,a lie is so dangerous! It can hurt people!" Adam realized the huge cost of a lie and stopped lying.
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
A Blind Love
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she's blind.She hated everyone,except her loving boyfriend.He's always there for her, she said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.One day,someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she can see everything , including her boyfriend.Her boyfriend asked her,"now that you can see the world,will you marry me?" The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is blind too,and refused to marry him.Her boyfriend walked away in tears , and later wrote a letter to her saying . " Just take care of my eyes dear,I love you."
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Greedy Dog
Once a dog was very greedy.He want to the butchers shop.He stole a piece of meat from his shop.He run away to the forest.He had to cross a stream on the way.When he was passing the bridge.He saw a dog's reflection into the water which had a piece of meat in his mouth.He wanted so snatch the piece of meat he barked and opened his mouth his piece of meat fell into the river.Then he found that there was not another dog in the river.It was his own reflection.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
No News is Good News
A young boy gets lost in the jungle after getting separated from his father.The boy has no idea how to get back home, but he continues to walk aimlessly in hopes that he will find someone who can help.Eventually, he gets tired and sits down to take a rest.While sitting there,the boy notices some strange tracks on the ground.He follows them,hoping they will lead him to safety.The tracks lead him right back where he started from. This short story for kids is about a boy who gets lost in the jungle after getting separated from his father.Without knowing how to get back home,he continues walking until he starts to lose hope.While taking a rest, the boy notices some strange tracks on the ground and follows them without a second thought.He is surprised when he sees that they lead him back to his starting point.
A Lesson to Learn
There once was a little boy who was very handsome.He was also very bright.But he had a nasty temper.When he got angry,he often said or did some very hurtful things.In fact,he did not seem to care for people around him.So naturally he had few friends.But he told himself, "That just shows how stupid most people are." As he grew older,his father was very concerned about his son's behaviour.He thought hard about how he could explain to his son that it was important to control his temper.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Being Thoughtful
Sometimes we detach ourselves from world around not to hurt them but because we don't want to get hurt anymore.But does it serve the purpose?? No, it actually hurts even more but this time we know we are hurting ourselves to prevent being hurt by others... And the chaos of human brain continues... Life is simple we make it complicated.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Happiest Moment
If you ask her what is a favorite story she has written ,she will hesitate for a long time and then say it may be this story that she read in a book English language teacher in China asked his Chinese student to say what was the happiest moment in his life.The student hesitated for a long time.At last he smiled with embarrassment and said that his wife had once gone to Beijing and eaten duck there ,and she often told him about it,and he would have to say the happiest moment of his life was her trip,and the eating of the duck.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Save Water
Water is the most critical asset.It is a fundamental element for every life on Earth,may it be flora or fauna.Without water ,no life can survive, and Earth will be as dry as a rock.Water is additionally fundamental for purposes of irrigation and essential ordinary works.Today, we without realizing the importance of wastewater.water is the basic need of every life from on Earth.It is water that helps us to lead a comfortable life on this planet.our bodies are made up of 70% water,which is why water is such an important compound for us.We use water for so many purposes.We need water for drinking ,cooking,bathing and cleaning.Without water ,life would be impossible on the planet.
Monday, February 20, 2023
A visit to a dentist
I don't like to visit a dentist.but one day I had a bad toothache,so my mom phoned the dentist and made an appointment with him.I was frightened but the dentist was kind and gentle.He said that there was a cavity in one of my teeth.It would have to be filled.He filled my tooth with white cement.On my way home I was happy.The pain had gone.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
A Fruitless Pot
In ancient times,a ruler in china polls to pick his successor by appointing a game.He asks participants to grow a shoot,and the most pretty shoot will win the match.Clink works carefully with resolution. However , he fails to get a shot.but he genuinely presents his fruitless pot in front of the ruler.The ruler realized that he has worked hard with devotion,and he should get awarded for his honesty.and the ruler happily gives a reward for his honest approach.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Holidays are important for relaxation.They provide relief from the monotony of our daily routine.They help us to refresh ourselves and go back to work with renewed energy.Summer holidays are awaited by alot of people after working hard throughout the year.There are no rules for going to school and playing for a short time and then completing our homework.We can manage our time according to our wish.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Lost in the Woods
The wind whistled through the weeping willows.The girl walked warily through the woods in Washington.It was a Wednesday weeknight, and when she had went for a walk through the woods near her house, she had gotten lost.Her wide eyes withheld her fear as she wove her way through the weeds.She wondered if she would ever find her way out of this forest.Her woolen scarf kept her warm in the cold winter air.The tall wicked trees towered around her as she wandered.She was worried about wolves coming out and attacking her.She wept and whimpered, worried that she would never find her way home because she was weak and wimpy. She was wearing only her warm pajamas and her scarf.Finally, she found her way home. She was relieved.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
The pleasant surprise
The door squeaked.Perturbed,she barged into the kids room.Her squint eyes looked around,to find her kids giggling,watching their favourite cartoon. Quickly , she put them off to bed.The creaking of the floor broke the silence again.She was sure her kids were upto some mischief.she switched on the lights,surprised to see the walls adorned with colourful streamers and balloons.A gift wrapped in golden lay on the table.Elated, her kids screeched on top of their voice, "Happy birthday Mamma!" They did a little jig in anticipation.Oh! What a surprise! The mother cuddled them in exhilaration.
A Road Accident
There are road accidents in the city daily.One day I became a victim of a road accident myself. It was a rainy day.It was still drizzling while we were walking on the road.My father is expert in riding a motorbike. In fact he has been riding it for twenty years,Besides being an expert,he is also a very cautious person.My father knew that road I slippery after rain.He was therefore very careful in riding.We were going at a medium speed.Suddenly bike slipped and we fell on the road.Luckily we did not get major injuries.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
My father's sacrifice
I still remember that MBBS counselling day,sitting in a large hall waiting for my turn. Only one seat left in three students.I was getting depressed and started crying.That day I saw my father who has been keeping fasts all the life without asking anything from God bowed to him and asked for my happiness in return.I was lucky to get the seat.Till now have been preseverring so that I can repay him but parents love is so vast and endless that you cannot repay but just give love,respect and happiness.
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Cough as I get tested Lockdown wasn't as bad as I thought we are going into level 2 so no lockdown.But since I got tested I will have to stay another two weeks.The next day I see everyone leaving their houses and coming back with takeout I sit at home watching TV and doing school work while my mum makes cookies. Mum challenges me to use my imagination to make lockdown better. I make a fort and pretend I am in a horror movie two weeks fly past.I get the results back.I have the virus.
Saturday, February 11, 2023
She was the type of girl who pointed stars on her converse and carried her guitar around wherever she went As a small girl.She would dangle fairy lights from her celling pretending it was the sky.she would leave her long wispy hair draped over her shoulders, as if it would protect her from the hateful comments others would say. "Always off with the fairies."that's what they'd say.she knew they didn't mean it though.they could improve just like she had by changing her mind set and discovering her ability to never get bored of being herself.
Friday, February 10, 2023
Tough Choice
A girl was in love with a guy but her friends never approved of him.They were not happy with her choice.Her friends judged the guy because of his past.The girl would not listen to her friends as she had fallen for the guy.She used to trust his love ignoring his past.One day her friends asked her to choose between them and her boyfriend.The girl said that her friends and the guy were equally important to her.But if they were her true friends,they would understand her feelings for him.They would never put her in a spot where she had to choose between friends and boyfriend.She left them and said her boyfriend was waiting for her.Her friends were shocked.But the girl knew inside her heart that she made the right choice.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
No Pain No Gain
There was a farmer,He had vast lands.He was,however ,not happy.His sons were lazy and good for nothing.When he was about to die,he sent for them and told them that there was a treasure hidden in their fields.The sons were eager to know this."Where is it hidden,father?" They enquired,the father remained mum.Soon after he died.The sons went to the fields.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Life on Moon
The latest dream in the eyes of the people is of residing on the moon.The dream is significant as these people would include people other than the scientists.On 20th July,1969 Neil Armstrong touched the lunar surface and said "That's one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind." His mission included collecting the samples of the moon surface for further studies.China claims to have completed the 'world's highest resolution 3D map of the moon.' This map,they claim is a step towards their objective of landing people on the moon in a decade.Compared to the lush and lively life of Earth,going on a vacation for somedays to moon seems a good adventure,however planning to reside there seems rather difficult at least as of now.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Dream Vacation
Mary is very excited in one week she will be leaving on a dream vacation with her husband.They will be travelling on a cruise ship to Alaska.She has dreamed of going to Alaska since she was a little girl.The cruise will be 7 days long and they will travel to four different ports.She hopes to see bears and wild wolves.She still has a lot to do.She has heard that Alaska is very cold,but beautiful.She needs to go shopping for warm clothes and a new camera.She needs to pack their suitcases and speak to her neighbors.she wants them to take care of their house while they are away.she cannol wait to go on the vacation of her dreams.
Monday, February 6, 2023
Time is Precious
"Rohan,don't waste your precious time in singing.Your exams are round the corner.This time I want you to get the highest percentage in your class",Aditya continued yelling.The inter school singing competition was just over and Rohan had bagged the first prize.He hesitantly stopped singing and pulled out his books.Singing was his passion.His father did not allow him to nurture his interest.After exams Rohan spent his time singing at an old age home near his school.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Nature's Beauty
It has been two years since they were neighbours.Now they are both grown up and beautiful.One could easily note out the difference in them as a kid and present day.The charm and shine made the onlookers admire them.Last winter they had first tried to express their feelings.Fragnant and colourful flowers were their first expression of love in that year's spring.But in the harsh summer they chose to be muffeled. Finally the rain drops made their soul realise the importance of each other.They spread out their "branches"and band in hand they danced their heart out.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
A Farmer And His Son
Once a farmer had three grown-up sons.They always quarreled among themselves.Their father advised them to live in peace but it had no effect on them.He was worried about their future.One day the farmer fell seriously ill.He sent for his sons.He asked them to collect a handful of sticks which they did at once.He tied the sticks into a bundle. Now, he asked them to break the bundle one by one.They tried hard to break it but none could.At last,the farmer untied the bundle and asked each of them to break each stick.They did so quite easily.Their father said,"My dear sons,you could not break the sticks as long as they remained tied together but you broke each single stick quite easily.They were strong in bundle but became weak when separated from one another.Never forget that united we stand and divided we fall." This had a deep effect on the farmer's sons.They gave up quarrelling and began to live in peace.
Friday, February 3, 2023
The True Friend
Once there were two friends , a squirrel and a puppy.They used to live and play together.The squirrel was very sporty and always won the game. The puppy used to feel bad and thought that it was of no use. One day, it started raining heavily. The squirrel was in high spirits.He started doing antics but suddenly,lost his balance and fell in the rain water. He called his friend, the puppy for help.The puppy came to his rescue.The squirrel climbed on its back and reached a safe place. He thanked his friend for saving his life.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
A Story of Great Failures
Generally failure is the first step of success. There are two sides of coin head and tail same in life success and failure.Generally people only see the success past of story and not failure part of story. History tell us that the people whose stories seem to us successful are also stories of some of the biggest failures. Failure is the opposite of success ;it's part of success. If you don't fail you can not learn.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Sharing is caring.
Oneday two children found a jar in the park. They split it evenly between themselves but when one child saw how many candies were in his half he wanted more. He tricked his friend into giving him more candy but once the candy was in his mouth he said that he had already given him some. Sharing is caring is a lesson about treating others honestly and how it feels to be tricked.
Handicap's Day
International Day of Persons with Disabilities, also known as World Disability Day, is observed on December 3rd every year to promote the ri...
Tragically, he died six days before the film’s Hong Kong release. The mysterious circumstances of his death were a source of speculation f...
He drew the attention of a television producer after giving a kung fu demonstration at a Los Angeles-area karate tournament, and he was cas...